NKK 無框 OLED 智能開關按鈕 SmartSwitch®
- 高清晰度、對比度,分辨率為 96RGB x 64 像素,緊湊型屏幕和最小的框架
- 65,536 色,16 位模式下
- 最少 50,000 小時的工作壽命
- 超薄型框架,可提供全屏容量
- 多個裝置整合形成一個屏幕
- 安靜、平穩的操作 • 相同尺寸的開關和印蹟有助於替換當前開關
- 命令操作和數據都通過串行通信 (SPI) 提供
- 整合了位圖顯示功能
NKK Switches 設計,生產和銷售業內最廣泛的機電開關,為開關解決方案的質量,穩定性和可靠性樹立了標準**。**
The toggle switches from NKK Switches has a total of 12 series to meet every customer needs for over half a century, including A, B, G series for circuit board, M series corresponding to all special requirement, and small and robust S series.
The rocker switch of NKK Switches is a total of 12 series. We are proud of a wide range of products such as A, G, GW, M2 series for printed circuit boards, M series with wide variation, JW series with high capacity and UL TV standard certification.