Portable 100W Battery to 330Vdc Converters IEC Output Socket
Suitable for powering notebook computers and cam-corders (via their chargers), and other equipment employing switch mode power conversion (most modern electronic equipment).,To check compatibility: Measure the resistance between live and neutral pins of the chargers mains connector (with no mains connected). If the resistance is greater than 10KΩ (no mains transformer primary) the equipment should be compatible.
Audible battery discharge warning Auto shutdown at low battery voltage Input lead (0.7m approx.) fitted with cigar lighter plug Output lead (1.4m approx.) fitted with 2 pin (cassette) or 3 pin IEC connector Supplied with user guide and safety leaflet Optional direct wiring kit SM2797, stock no. 512-8147 (consisting of cigar lighter socket and 2m of cable)
Suitable for negative earth battery systems only.,Not suitable for use with equipment employing a 50Hz mains transformer.,When using 12V models with cigar lighter plugs, the vehicle socket must have a rating of 1A (0.5A for 24V units) for every 10W of supplied power.,Unit is designed to run warm at maximum power, allow adequate ventilation.
The user is responsible for ensuring the suitability of any equipment connected to these vehicle power adaptors. For inside use only. Protect from moisture.