The TOPLED Black series, from OSRAM Opto Semiconductors, are low power LEDs in a black standard package. Their black package allows the LEDs to offer a high contrast with low reflectivity and a high intensity output. These qualities make the TOPLED Black LEDs ideal for applications which require a high contrast, mostly in high ambient light conditions. The TOPLED black devices have a variety of viewing angles which are optimised for display applications, making the light focused on the viewer. Suitable applications for the TOPLED Black LEDs include; information displays, public transport signs, price changer displays, symbol luminaires and variable message signs.
Features of the TOPLED Black LEDs: - Black surface mount (SMT) package - Focused radiation pattern: 30°, 60° and 120° - Low power (binned at 20mA) - High brightness in beam direction - Variety of colours - Footprint compatible with TOPLED and Power TOPLED
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Amber LEDs – Originally designed for use in automotive brake-light applications, OSRAM amber LEDs can appear red due to a high dominant wavelength value. Refer to a dominant wavelength colour chart to find your chosen LED colour.