Shut down overload currents in a flash with this MCB from Eaton. Its thermal-magnetic tripping mechanism interrupts short circuits to protect downstream equipment from dangerous loads. You can use it to manage multiple circuits at once thanks to its three-pole design. As a type-C breaker, it reacts instantly when it receives five to ten times its rated current of 10A. This makes it well-suited to working with powerful electrical devices such as electrical distribution boards, heavy machinery and lighting installations.
Features & Benefits
• Rated breaking capacity of 6kA to manage high inrush currents • Operating temperature range between -25°C and +75°C for compatibility with challenging conditions • Compact dimensions of 73 (H) x 53.1 (W) x 85mm (D) use up minimal space • Light weight of 360g won't put a strain on your system • IP20 rating means it's touch-proof and protected from objects over 12mm
Where should I mount this MCB?
The unit clips right onto a standard 35mm DIN rail, so mounting is fast, easy and tool-free.
What is the device's rated AC voltage?
The MCB stands up to heavy loads, thanks to a rated voltage range between 230V and 400V AC.