RS Pro Anti-Static screen wipes for daily cleaning of your computer/monitor screen and lap top computer. These screen cleaning wipes are pre saturated, soft, highly absorbent and made of non woven material to remove dust, dirt and lint from computer and laptop screens. These screen wipes are quick drying leaving no streaks on your screen.
Features & Benefits
OEM approved for use on anti glare coatings
Quick and easy to use
Reduced the risk of eye strain and errors cause by imperfect visual display
Easy to store tub
Why would you use screen wipes?
A Screen wipe is an essential tool to keeping all your devices that have a screen clean and hygienic by wiping them down. Also gives you a clear visual display to reduce risk of eye strain.
For Use With
The ant-static wipes are suitable for using on computer monitors, LCD screens, scanners, photocopiers and the screen of your mobile phones.